Boethius Translations


Frequently Asked Questions

We focus on Western European languages with English as a main target language. These are chiefly Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian, and German into English. Other combinations between the above can be arranged upon request.

We will provide a reliable estimate shortly after reviewing your source materials, your brief on the target language(s), and your current timeline.

We usually reply within a few minutes, stretching to one business day at most.

Cybersecurity is a risk-management priority we are proud to have taken very seriously for a long time. We were early adopters of an encrypted data sharing platform. Designed and managed by a US publicly traded company, our data room is currently used by the London Metropolitan Police, among many security-minded institutions. We use it as the sole channel for distributing documents amongst team members, and, if they so choose, our clients.

As an additional layer of security, the internet traffic of our core team is protected via a VPN supplier operating under Switzerland’s stringent data protection laws, whose servers are located in underground facilities in the Swiss alps.

Finally, our terms of service include a robust confidentiality clause, and we will be happy to sign your own ahead of receiving materials for a quote.

Thank you for asking! From the recruitment stage through the entire project management and quality assurance process, we lay emphasis on the discouragement, prevention, and, if it comes to it, heavy-handed correction of that practice. While the adept use of technology is paramount to our operations, we continue to stand for the clear superiority of human translation. For a better understanding, you can see some takes on why here

If only it were so easy. While automatic translation has been a dream of mankind for ages, and great advancements have recently been made, it is still only adequate for the most elementary uses of language, and in our experience correcting poor translations is often more labor intensive than starting afresh. You can read further here. If you still have questions, we are more than happy to discuss technology and linguistic work in detail. Book a call! 

We are always looking for talented translators that can meet our rigorous selection process! Please send all inquiries to [email protected]